



Live vaccine against Newcastle disease, CL/79 clon, and Infectious bronchitis, H120
strain, in oral freeze-dried tablet

Live Newcastle virus CL/79 106.5 - 107.7 EID50
Live infectious bronchitis virus Mass H120 strain 103 - 105.4 EID50
This vaccine contains the CL/79 clon of NDV and an attenuated H120 type Massachusetts strain of infectious
bronchitis selected from a _eld outbreak for its high immunogenicity. These strains are propagated in SPF eggs.
The diversity and complexity of current vaccination programmes in laying and breeding hens and, in some countries,
in chickens, has led to the necessity of vaccinating with viruses which have low technical incompatibility, and this
should be conducted within the same day.
For that purpose, in an attempt to create a vaccine equally effective and with similar handling and stress costs, we
have developed HIPRAVIAR CLON/H120, which combines ND and BI vaccinal viruses in a single vaccine.

Poultry: To prevent Newcastle disease and Infectious bronchitis.

Ocular-nasal, oral or spray.
Ocular-nasal: Once the freeze-dried tablet is dissolved in the diluent included (sterile distilled water), administer one
drop of the vaccine (0.03 ml) per bird, in the eye or nare, using a standard dropper (normally 30 ml per 1,000 doses).
Oral: Dissolve the freeze-dried tablet by _lling the _ask in which it is contained to half volume with fresh tap water,
shake and pour it into an adequate container up to a volume of drinking water that can be ingested within ½ or 1 hour
at most, keeping in mind that:
Age of the bird Approx. amount of water for 1,000 birds
1 to 3 weeks 5-10 litres
4 to 9 weeks 12-23 litres
10 to 16 weeks 27-37 litres
Spray: Validate the apparatus to be used to check the necessary amount of water. To do this, _ll the apparatus with
fresh tap water and spray the surface which birds occupy, in a manner so that the heads of all the birds are covered
with droplets of water. Check the quantity of water used, and this will be the amount that will have to be used to mix
with the necessary doses, depending on the number of birds to be vaccinated.

Poultry: 1 dose/bird.
- The veterinary surgeon will establish the most suitable vaccination programme according to the health conditions of
each farm and area.
- Birds can be vaccinated 1 day after hatching, if they are placed into an endemic area of Newcastle disease.
- If the number of birds does not coincide with the number of doses of available vials, an overdose should be
administered, never administer less than the recommended dosage.

0 days.

- To ensure that vaccine water is ingested within a ½ or 1 hour at most, it is advisable not to administer water to
animals for one hour before vaccination in the summer and for 2 hours in winter.
- When administering the vaccine by spray, it is advisable to use course spray (larger than 50 microns) for _rst
vaccinations. For revaccinations, _ner droplets can be applied (smaller than 50 microns).

- Shake gently until complete resuspension of the freeze-dried tablet before administration.
- In case of administration by oral route, do not use water with chlorine or disinfectants.
- Spray administration requires the use of protective mask and glasses.
- Store at +2 to +8 °C, protected from light.
- Once used, sterilize the vial and its content by heat.

Pack with 10 vials of 1,000 ds.
Pack with 10 vials of 2,500 ds.