


Active Constituents: This vaccine contains viable oocysts of Eimeria acervulina Strain RA3+20, E. maxima Strain MCK+10 and E. tenella Strain Rt3+15 suspended in phosphate buffered saline (PBS). Each dose comprises a minimum of E. acervulina 50 oocysts, E. maxima 100 oocysts and E. tenella 150 oocysts, with a minimum predicted titre of 1.2 x 104 oocysts per mL at the end of the shelf-life. 

Statement of Claims: Live oocyst preparation to aid in the control of the three major species of Eimeria that cause Coccidiosis in breeders, broilers and layer chickens in Australia. 

1000 Doses 
Contents: 1000 doses in a plastic bottle. The Eimeria oocysts are supplied as a suspension of oocysts in 25 mL of PBS contained within a single capped bottle. 

• This product is contraindicated for vaccinating unhealthy birds. 

• Avoid using in-feed or water anticoccidial medications at or soon after the time of vaccination, unless controlling clinical coccidiosis. 
• Avoid vaccinating with EIMERIAVAX 3m unless birds are protected from exposure to litter from the previous batch for up to 14 days post-vaccination. 
• Avoid using EIMERIAVAX 3m as a diluent for other medications or treatments. 
• Avoid using in birds in lay. 
• Avoid administration of sulfa drugs immediately following vaccination with EIMERIAVAX 3m as this will delay oocyst output and impair immune response. 

Dosage and Administration: 
Eyedrop Method of Administration: 
Birds from day-old can be vaccinated with EIMERIAVAX 3m. With individual bird administration, it is essential for each bird to receive a full dose. A second dose should be administered if the first is not fully absorbed by the eye. It is recommended that all birds be vaccinated prior to 18 weeks of age. The most appropriate age to vaccinate may be determined from knowledge of the challenge conditions applicable to the flocks concerned. 
The effect of EIMERIAVAX 3m vaccination during lay has not been assessed. 
Preparation of vaccine for use and general instructions: 
• Prior to use gently shake vials to fully resuspend all oocysts. 
• Remove the cap and insert an eye-dropper tip or other administration device, calibrated so as to distribute 25 microlitre drops of vaccine. Hold each bird with its head tilted to one side. 
• If using a dropper tip attached to the bottle, invert the bottle. 
• Allow a single drop to form at the tip of the dropper tip or other application device and fall freely into the open eye, gently flooding it. The drop (before release) and dropper 
tip or administration device should NOT touch the eye surface. 
• Allow the bird to blink before releasing it. 
• Administer a second drop if the bird did not receive a full dose. 

Spray method of administration: 
EIMERIAVAX 3m has been demonstrated effective when administered using a hatchery spray apparatus that delivers 24 mL of diluted vaccine per box of 100 day-old chicks, i.e. 0.24 mL per chick. Please note the following points: 
• The vaccine is to be diluted in water. If using a spray apparatus that delivers 24 mL per 100-chick box, one bottle of EIMERIAVAX 3m is diluted to a total volume of 240 mL. 
• Open the vaccine bottle when required by peeling back the foil cap and removing the rubber bung. Rinse the vaccine bottle several times in the water diluent to ensure all the oocysts are removed from the bottle. 
• Ensure the diluted vaccine is regularly agitated during the spray applications to ensure vaccine oocysts do not settle. 
• The spray unit should deliver an even mist with the added blue dye (if used) evident. Ensure mist covers all chicks. 
• After spraying, leave the chicks in a light place to allow preening and vaccine ingestion. 
• Please contact Bioproperties if further information regarding specific spray units is required. 

Bird management after administration 
• Continued exposure to oocysts shed in faeces is essential for the development of an effective immune response. 

• Birds can be vaccinated from day-old. Anticoccidial medication is never recommended unless clinical coccidiosis from wild field strains is affecting bird performance. In these instances manufacturers recommendations for the medication program are to be followed. 
• If depression associated with vaccination is noted, light intensity should be increased and/or extended and extra feed provided. 
• Monitor birds carefully for 4 weeks post-vaccination. Some lesions can be expected. Lesions can be associated with an immune response and should not be used as the sole criterion for assessing efficacy. 
• Investigate all suspect coccidiosis lesions as this vaccine does not protect against Eimeria species that are not represented in the vaccine. Monitor gross lesions scores for 4 weeks post-vaccination. 

Duration of immunity: An effective immune response can be expected for at least 18 weeks post-vaccination. Continuing exposure to oocysts in the environment is essential and provides ongoing stimulus to the immune system. Under these conditions, a protective immune response beyond 18 weeks of age can be expected. When birds are removed from the source of vaccine oocysts, such as when they are transferred between facilities, immunity may wane due to reduced exposure to cycling oocysts. As a result, birds may subsequently become susceptible to field infections from Eimeria species represented in the vaccine. 


USER SAFETY INFORMATION: Accidental contact of EIMERIAVAX 3m with eyes or mouth may cause irritation. Eyes should be rinsed immediately and medical advice sought. The mouth should be rinsed two or three times with a mouth gargle. 
Additional information is available on the product Safety Data Sheet. 

Biopropertis Pty Ltd., Australia



Discard unused vaccine and empty vaccine bottles into a disinfectant solution (e.g. chlorine based bleach). Dispose of any such inactivated, unused vaccine and empty containers by wrapping in paper and putting in garbage. 
In cases of spillage, soak up the liquid with an absorbent sponge or cloth and incinerate. Treat the surface with a disinfectant solution (e.g. chlorine based bleach). 
The capability of this vaccine to produce satisfactory results depends upon many factors including, but not limited to, conditions of storage and handling by the user, administration of the vaccine, health and responsiveness of individual birds and degree of field exposure. Therefore, directions for use should be followed carefully.